Pop’z Story

Be Inspired
Photo of Grampz

Every business has a story. My story starts with my pops dearly known as Grampz. The original O.G. of the clan. Grampz was roofing houses at 74 and plumbing bathrooms in his 90s. He seemed unstoppable until he was suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Grampz suffered from severe, deep, chronic arthritis pains. As he got older he could not go more than a few hours without poppin’ pain pills. In his 90’s he clearly was depending on these pain pills to get him through his day.

One day Popz was in getting in the car as Grampz was closing the garage door. For some unknown reason, we will never know, Grampz fell backward and hit his head on the cement. Rushed to the hospital where his pain medicine tolerance was so high due to the number of pain pills he took on a daily bases they had to give him some form of IV fentanyl to help him.

After a good fight at the hospital, Grampz went on to the next stage in life. Grampz passed in 2017, Popz truly believes the pain pills are what ultimately took out Grampz.

The next year the H.R.2 – Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, known as the Farm Bill was signed into law. After a lot f research and talking to friends, family, and doctors Popz knew at that moment knew he needed to help anyone and everyone in any kind of pain. Popz is in this for the everyday Joe and Jane that want better alternatives to pharmaceutical methods.

Most people that have known Pop’z for a long time are shocked and ask how he got into farming hemp. Well now you know, it is out of pure love to help others not go through what Grampz went through. Please check Pop’z amazing products at Pop’z Shop above that he has developed over the past two years.

Now by law and FDA restrictions and regulations, Popz can’t say that hemp will in any form help you in your particular situation, nor cure, treat or even help. But he can say…

“It works for me”Popz